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  • Mars conjunct Jupiter and what it could mean for you

Mars conjunct Jupiter and what it could mean for you

Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini there is a potential for both challenges and successes

On Wednesday, August 14, Mars and Jupiter will be conjunct at 16 degrees Gemini. The exact moment of the conjunction is 11:21 am Eastern Time, but you will likely be experiencing the energy from this conjunction several days before and afterwards.

With Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini there is a potential for both challenges and successes. Mars brings action, friction and disruption while Jupiter brings wisdom, expansion and success, but neither of these outcomes is likely to be the only outcome of the situation. 

Since Mars is a malefic planet (a planet that brings challenges, difficulties and disruption) and Jupiter is a benefic (a planet that brings good or positive experiences and blessings), this aspect will not just bring favorable or unfavorable events or experiences. It is more likely to be a mixed bag.

Mars’ and Jupiter’s energy will blend in such a way that each planet has the capability to bring a little something to the forefront with this aspect, and together they do actually have the ability to create desirable and powerful results or experiences, it’s just not likely to go as you planned. 

So as you prepare for this aspect and consider how it’s showing up in your life, start by reviewing the Gemini area of your birth chart and the areas of your chart where Mars rules (Aries and Scorpio) and where Jupiter rules (Sagittarius and Pisces). Review the topics and themes of the houses you have these zodiac signs in and take note of any interconnected experiences you are having between them. How does what you notice change or update your intentions or plans?

Mars conjunct Jupiter is opposite the Moon in Sagittarius, so there’s potential that the disruptions or benefits of this aspect could be related to your emotions, physical and emotional well being, how you care for others or your energy level. The Moon in Sagittarius wants to experience freedom, and this opposition further suggests that you may have to make compromises or be flexible in order for your desired outcomes to come to fruition during this timeframe. 

To work with this potentially challenging aspect in the most positive way, try to remain as optimistic as possible. Your optimism will be challenged here. When you can keep the silver lining in sight, you do have the power to shift your perspective and make choices that are aligned with the highest good of all in any situation. So this is an important opportunity for mindset work, affirmations and self-care that will help you stay grounded.

It’s also important to note that this aspect is a series of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn aspects that are likely going to reflect in your life in an interconnected way. Between August 14 and August 19, we will experience Mars conjunct Jupiter, Mars square Saturn and Jupiter square Saturn. The time leading up to these astrological events and the period of time following them, may wear at your seams, incite action, help you be successful or even force a reality check. 

No matter how astrology events manifest in your life, you can handle anything when you prioritize your self-care and well being.


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