• Julie Francis
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  • Explore the power of release with the full moon in Capricorn

Explore the power of release with the full moon in Capricorn

This full moon in the last degree of Capricorn is a powerful opportunity for reflection and release

The upcoming full moon in Capricorn on Sunday, July 21, 2024 at 6:16am Eastern Time is the second full moon in Capricorn in a row AND it’s happening at 29 degrees Capricorn. If you’ve been feeling like you’ve been revisiting some of the same themes and topics this week as you approach the full moon that you navigated during the full moon in Capricorn on June 21, take note! You’re being given the opportunity to take another look at those themes and topics, and consider what parts of them you’re ready to let go of and release. 

This full moon has the typical themes of a peak experience and culmination point, however, there is an extra emphasis on release and letting go since it’s happening in the last degree of a zodiac sign.

Saturn in Pisces, the ruler of this full moon, will be weighing in on the situation and asking you to consider how what you’re letting go (or keeping!) will support you in the long term. If you can’t seem to put together the pieces on how the experience or activity will have a firm foundation that will support your long term plan or well being, that is likely an indication that it needs to be released.

If you need some buoyancy during your self-reflection (meaning: before letting go for good if you’re not sure!), this full moon is sextile Neptune in Pisces. This aspect gives you the heartspace and spaciousness you may need to daydream about what is serving you well in your life, and what is simply a dream or thought you had at one time along the journey. Dream into what you really want and how you want to feel: is it time to let go of the thing or build a better foundation for it to blossom? Saturn will help you create the limits or foundations you need.

Working with new and full moons ruled by Saturn is especially supportive as you ease into a slower more sustainable lifestyle. Embracing a life where you enjoy more by doing and having less in our culture often feels like capitalism and consumerism in reverse. You have to peel away all the layers that our culture taught you about doing more and having more being the road to success. Saturn can help you create solid routines that make slow living more tangible, especially at the beginning of your slow living revolution. The other thing I love about Saturn, is that they know things take time. We can’t simply decide overnight that we’re going to do a 180 on our busy, hectic lifestyle. It takes time. And Saturn will help you peel away layers revealing reality checks and necessary boundaries along the way.


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